Bern:March 09 03:44
Kathmandu:March 09 08:29
Embassy of SwitzerlandEkantakuna, JawalakhelLalitpur, Kathmandu (NP)
Geneva, MOFA NepalBurton Street 28Berlin, Germany
—Please choose an option—AargauAppenzell AusserrhodenAppenzell InnerrhodenBasel-LandschaftBasel-StadtBernFribourgGenevaGlarusGrisonsJuraLuzernNeuchâtelNidwaldenObwaldenSchaffhausenSchwyzSolothurnSt. GallenThurgauTicinoUriValaisVaudZugZürich
Please, be so kind as to provide us with the locations of your NGOs' projects operational areas in Nepal. Thank you for your kind collaboration and to share it with us.
(please tick and specify the field within the categories)*
Child education and shelterAdult education and trainingSocial, gender, legalHospitality and tourismFinance and economy
Health and medicalConstruction and logisticEnvironment and agricultureEmergency & disaster management
Embassy of Switzerland Ekantakuna, Jawalakhel Lalitpur, Kathmandu (NP)
Geneva, MOFA Nepal 81 Rue de la Servette 1202, Geneva, Switzerland
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